AMARush Recap: Dexpools

In order to connect Avaxholics with Avalanche-based projects, Avaxholic honorably represents AMA Rush Campaign. This is a big chance for Avaxholics to directly interact with and understand deeper about Avalanche projects, whether top tier projects or newcomers. For this AMA, we’re proud to have Dexpools as our guest.

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Avaxholic: Before we start, can you briefly introduce your team and Dexpools?

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: Travis is actually in the trenches with our dev team, so we have Anthony (VP of Partnerships) here.

Avaxholic: We’re honored to welcome our guest today: Mr.Dan Peng & Mr. Anthony from Dexpools.

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: I’m Dan Peng, CPO and co-founder.

Dexpools is an peer to peer OTC trading platform that supports multichain trades. Basically, we enable users to trade any digital asset across what will eventually be any chain.

Avaxholic: Nice introduction

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: Thanks — excited to share more to the Avalanche community about Dexpools

Avaxholic: Yes, I think our members are so excited too to be here and learn more about Dexpools.

So let’s start with the 1st question.

1. Why did Dexpools choose Avalanche as one of the blockchains for project development? Will Dexpools expand in other ecosystems in the future?

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: We’ve been fans of the Avalanche ecosystem for a long time due to the speed, strong community support, and the variety of DeFi applications surrounding Avalanche. As an OTC trading platform, volume is also obviously very important, and Avalanche is one of the largest chains in the crypto ecosystem.

The goal is to quickly activate other chains so that traders can swap tokens across any chain, so we’ll be enabling chains like Fantom and OEC in the near future as well. There is an entire list of chains we’ll be looking at onboarding in the next few months, but we will be leaning on our community a bit to prioritize which ones we tackle first.

Avaxholic: 👍 Nice

Hope that we will see Dexpools quickly activate other chains soon

Can I ask you about the time that Dexpools is planned to be available on Fantom or OEC

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: I guess this is a good time to share more about our timeline 😉

Avaxholic: Haha ^^ sure. Feel free to share.

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: Right now we are finalizing internal testing to launch our open beta tomorrow.

In early February, we’ll be IDOing, more information on that will be released tomorrow along with our open beta announcement.

Launch for our platform will officially be next month as well.

In March, we’ll be launching support for the next set of chains, which we intend to include Fantom and OEC. Not 100% on the chains yet but those are our plans.

Avaxholic: Hope that Dexpools can achieve the goals for each plans

And about plans for IDO

We also have question for you

2. What are your plans for IDO? What will holders of DXP receive?

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: All I can say for right now is that the public raise will be a bit unique and will be a ‘dual launch’ of sorts. Expect news tomorrow :).

DXP holders receive a few things:

Avaxholic: Sound interesting!

I look forward to the unique thing you said tomorrow

The next question!

It’s about Dexpools Open Beta

3. Dexpools Open Beta has been launched on Jan 11th. Can you share more about this event and some exciting features included in the Open Beta?

Mr. Dan | Dexpools:

The launch was pushed back to tomorrow, our QA team found a few minor issues that we are polishing up.

First big news: the Dexpools beta will be launching with 2 more chains than we announced. Avalanche, Polygon, Ethereum, Moonriver, and BSC — super excited to support multichain in such a big way!

We’ll also be testing some advanced features including partial fills, multi-token acceptance, asset explorer (you can look for wallets with tokens you want and make an offer), and lots of other cool features that we are excited to share.

Testers will qualify for $DXP airdrops, there will be 1000s of USD rewards, and the biggest allocation of private sales spots we’ve given so far 🙂

Avaxholic: Congrats on the big news you bring to us

Can you share about one of these cool features?

Mr. Dan | Dexpools: Sure. One of the things beta testers loved during our closed beta was the ability to chat with other wallets. You can directly create a trade offer to someone from a chat, and negotiate the deal live. We’ll be including that but also ‘non-negotiated offers’ which allows you to list a closed trade with no negotiation, and as long as the other traders deposit their agreed amount, both sides will be able to quickly withdraw your amounts.

Avaxholic: Able to chat with other wallets. It’s cool.

The 4th question is about feature, too.

4. What is the feature that distinguishes Dexpools from other projects?

Mr. Dan | Dexpools:

I think we are already the p2p OTC platform that lets users trade across the most chains. That itself when we are only in beta is impressive.

We also will be supporting NFT trading in the near future, so it’ll really be a one stop shop to trade directly with other users, regardless of what you are trying to trade. Chat is a game change because OTC negotiations happen all the time, and communications will only be getting better on the platform, with plans for community management, guilds support, and other features.


P2P OTC. It sounds good

We wait for your new features in the future too

And the last question for you

5. How do you intend to raise public awareness of Dexpools worldwide? How can they better understand your project?

Mr. Dan | Dexpools:

I think there are so many communities that we have to rely on partnerships like what we have with Avaxholics. Once people try the platform, they will see its uses so we are confident about the platform, but we also have to be open to community feedback so we continue developing the product to best fit the diverse and growing DeFi community. So partnerships + growing our reputation by building what the community wants.


Thank you for trusting on us

Personally, I believe that Dexpools can attract more and more attention in the near future ☺️

And that’s our first part. Thank you for spending your precious time with us.

We’re looking forward to Dexpool’s success in the near future 😍

Mr. Dan | Dexpools:

Of course! This was great, thanks 🙂


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